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TRUB ermöglicht Unternehmensfortführung im Objektgeschäft

Die Thaddäus Rohrer Personal- und Unternehmensberatung (TRUB) hat für die FSL Ladenbau GmbH und die FSL Project GmbH mit der Ganter Interior GmbH den...

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Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer in Zeiten der Krise – Change und Chance

„Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer – das kann ich.“ Das versichern potenzielle Kandidaten gern, denn an Selbstbewusstsein mangelt es in der Regel in...

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Videos sorgen für Weitsicht in der Personalpolitik

Der Fachkräftemangel in Deutschland hat sich durch die Konjunkturschwäche etwas entschärft. Im Oktober 2023 meldeten aber immer noch 39 Prozent der...

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Rudolf Ostermann
Personal- und Unternehmensberater Möbelhandel, Industrie

Dipl.-Kfm. Rudolf Ostermann
Am Rykenberg 5
59457 Werl

Phone: +49 (0) 29 22 - 97 30 12
Fax: +49 (0) 29 22 - 97 30 20
Mobile: +49 (0) 171 415 15 44
eMail: ostermann@rohrer.de


Profile Rudolf Ostermann:

Personal Details: Born 1953, married, two daughters, residing in Arnsberg/North-West Germany

Qualification: Degree in Business Administration, Masters, University of Münster Oct 1973 – March 1979

Languages: German (mother tongue), English fluent, French good

Professional Experience: more than 30 years in the furniture industry as Principal, Commercial, Sales and Export Director with:

  • Miele, Warendorf
  • Ostermann, own furniture factory in Arnsberg
  • Paschen, Wadersloh
  • Universal Furniture Industries, Tangermünde/Singapore
  • Gautier, Le Boupère/France
  • Klose, Herzlake
  • Thielemeyer, Delbrück
  • Wöstmann, Gütersloh

Together with my cooperating partner Thaddäus Rohrer and a team of four colleagues I am working as business consultant for the entire furniture sector, including trade and industry, kitchen furniture, home appliances, outdoor, bathroom furniture and suppliers.

The main focus is personnel consulting and recruitment, particularly in executive search for all management levels and sales personnel. We are among the few well-known experts in our field. Through a dense partner network, comprehensive and state of the art data base, advertisements in print media and internet, confidential direct search, career consulting and proactive applications, with years of experience we provide well-founded, promising personnel recommendations. We entertain professional selection tools such as the own occupational personality test.

We are working in the international field with various projects in East Europe, Middle and Far East; we establish export/import relations and are connected to numerous other consultants with their particular expertise in the areas of design, product development, IT, logistics, engineering, communication and textile. You will find us in the net-works of Xing, LinkedIn and Plaxo.

Although executive search is the major occupation, we care for a pool of qualified trainees and are in the position to assign nearly all commercial and technical job challenges for our clients. Furthermore we are familiar with entrepreneurial successions, M & A and the real estate business for retail trade locations.

Many professionals from the furniture sector already know us. Please visit our website and you are welcome to call us, confidentially and without any obligation, for questions, news and current issues – I personally would be pleased to assist you.

TRUB ermöglicht Unternehmensfortführung im Objektgeschäft

Die Thaddäus Rohrer Personal- und Unternehmensberatung (TRUB) hat für die FSL Ladenbau GmbH und die FSL Project GmbH mit der Ganter Interior GmbH den...

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Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer in Zeiten der Krise – Change und Chance

„Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer – das kann ich.“ Das versichern potenzielle Kandidaten gern, denn an Selbstbewusstsein mangelt es in der Regel in...

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Videos sorgen für Weitsicht in der Personalpolitik

Der Fachkräftemangel in Deutschland hat sich durch die Konjunkturschwäche etwas entschärft. Im Oktober 2023 meldeten aber immer noch 39 Prozent der...

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